Saturday, October 8, 2016

#90DaysOfGratitude Day 5

My take on brush calligraphy

Day 5/90 (10/05/2016):
Today’s source of stress: watercolor brush pens LOLπŸ˜‰
Back in grade 3 at Maryknoll (yes! school must be mentioned! LOL), during art class, the teacher instructed the class to paint something using watercolors. Back then, i didn’t understand about control, blending, strokes, etc. I wondered how my classmates could do their project easily while I struggle painting a simple tree. Discouraged, I conditioned myself then that I must be lacking in creativity & built a wall against doing arts!
When my husband heard this story months ago, he encouraged me to give painting another try. Fast forward to now, I finally painted something, uhhmm nice, I guess LOL … my firstπŸ˜‰
Looking at these, I can hear the “gr. 3 confused little me” thanking me now for tearing down a major self defense wallπŸ˜‰ My art projects may not be perfect for some, but I don’t care LOLπŸ˜‰ Its is an Art Skill achievement unlocked for me … and that is whats importantπŸ˜‰
#GratefulFor –> encouraging art sessions for that much needed boost of confidenceπŸ˜‰

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