Tuesday, October 4, 2016

#90DaysOfGratitude Day 3

“The moment we accept our pain is the moment we release our suffering. 
Suffering is created when we offer life resistance, and what we resist 
most are the experiences that bring us pain.” 

Day 3/90 (10/03/2016):
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6
As I mentioned in my previous post, 2 months from now, I’ll be living temporarily in another country with a totally different culture & language. I. AM. FREAKING-LY. EXCITED.
So excited, that I re-opened this blog site . Nine years had passed since I first created this account. I blame laziness for not being able to update or use this then.
One thing I realized, while reading my previous posts then, was how GOD really moves and plans your life well when you call upon HIS name. HE does hear and answers prayers, perhaps not as fast nor the way we expect, but certainly on HIS own perfect time.
I was probably at my lowest when I wrote what I posted in the picture. During that time, and admittedly until today, my life is still “a work in progress”. Hubby and I still have some topics that we argue about. I still take each day as small steps towards a new life. But regardless of how hard those struggles were then, my faith did not wavered. I hanged on to & fully surrendered my life in GOD’S hands. I held on to HIS promise that “HIS plans for me is to let me prosper and not to harm me. He plans to give me hope and a future”.
With GOD’s grace and mercy, I was able to release the past. Because of HIS unconditional love, I am able to stand firmly. And, because my GOD is an omnipotent god, I can step confidently into the future without hesitations or fear. Definitely, with Christ in me, I can live fully in the present and brightly look forward for the future.
“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. ” — Romans 4:20-21
#GratefulFor –> having a wonderful & amazing GOD who is true to HIS promise😉

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